Monday, July 21

Amelia Grace Goes to Japan

Her bag is packed and she is ready to go

Sometimes the O'Donnell genetic inheritance is useful

she had a good time in Tokyo

she hung out in temples in Kyoto

she lets her home fans see via a skype call that she can now clap hands

Amelia Grace Tours Japan

wherever she went made time for her fans

Amelia Grace had a triumphant tour

We learned the word KawaIEE ('very cute')

- that's the greeting that AGO'D got everywhere she went. KawaIEE sounds like Kawai which means scary - this makes sense of course - Japanese Cute can be very scary indeed.

Amelia and her Dad just blend in with the Japanese - always taking photos

Ameila flys over Shinjuku

64 days of visitors

I was asked why I didn't update my blog -------